היכן הכי כדאי לעבוד?

 מי המוזר פה?                                                                                  7.4.2009

 נכתב ע"י: צוות BizSpot

טל קורן - מנהל ומייסד פרוייקט BizSpot - "רעיונות גדולים ליזמים ואנשי עסקים"

                        רוצה לקבל עוד רעיונות להקמת עסקים? - הרשם בחינם>>

E-Money in Japan: A Quick Video Overview

Written by: Michael Keferl on June 19, 2009 at 2:50 am | In DIGITAL LIFE | No Comments

Japan is well known for its well-developed e-money infrastructure. With RFID integration in mobile phones, train passes, and even loyalty cards for shops, it’s possible to do a great deal of your shopping and transportation without carrying cash or using a credit card either.

E-money was also introduced slowly and deliberately onto the Japanese market, which has resulted in an ecosystem that is not only accepted by the public, but expanding rapidly. Using a contactless e-money card or enabled phone it’s possible to do everything from buy drinks in vending machines to paying for airline tickets and even checking into hotel rooms!